1) Would you enjoy watching the narrative?
The bar chart to the left shows that everyperson in the class said they would enjoy my narrative. This is very positive feed back and gives me lots and enthusiasm to take the narrative ahead.
2) Do you like the song?
is liked by the majority of the people in the class I did my pitch to. A few people said they liked the song but it wasent particulary for them and only 1 person said they didnt like it. I think this inforamtion is valuable because it shows that my target audience with be narrower than every young person ever. I like this as I am able to create a more atmospherical music video which will enlighten my specific target audeince.
3) Do you think the song has the right vibe for my narrative?
The information I gained back from this I found very interesting. Although 4/10 did not particuarly enjoy the song... they all said it was perfect for the narrative of my video. This makes me really happy and confident in my choice of song. I think it is going to work really effectively and will create the exact atmosphere I am looking for.
4) Any ideas for what I could put in my video?
The result to this question was very minimal. Next to no one has a respond for me. One girl then said that a really cool aspect I could add to the music video would be colourfull smoke flares. I loved this idea and would love to either encorporate this into my music video or in the Digipak.
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