Friday, 8 September 2017

music video - loyalty task 8 pt 4

kendrick Lamar - Loyalty. Ft. Rihanna
Straight away the video begins in a deep red lighting, this connotes ideas of lust and sex. Many girls are dressed in leather lingerie and chains, suggesting an idea of a BDSM kink. The girls are dancing around Kendrick Lamar who is sat in a throne type chair completely oblivious to their exsistance, this connotes his higher power. The camera is places on the floor in an almost mid low angel shot looking up to Kendrick, This again shows his royal type personality. The camera zooms in more and more untill level with kendricks eyes, then snaps out as a girl, dressed different to the rest starts singing in his ear, pulls out a knife and goes to stab him in the head ( showing no loyalty ).
There is a straight cut to the same angel of kendrick on the floor in an urban underground type room, he is being approached by a gang of boys. As they try and get closer they get sunken into the ground, as it was sand not concrete. This suggest that if you break someones loyalty, you go down. The lighting in this urban area is dark with a grey and black colour pallette. Some of the gang memebrs are wearing red balaclavas. This connotes danger.
There is another straight cut to Rihanna, she comes down into a car window. The lighting has an almost creme overall glance that tones in with her clothes and makes he face glow.
The lyrcis " Bad ghal Rhi Rhi now" Straight away, we know shes bad news. Rihanna has a repuation for being the 'bag girl'. This ties in which theorist Dyer, He talks about stardom. The idea that this person is not a real person, but the star that the record label have created. Rhianna has created this image for herself lately, and in all music video appreances shes been making, she has been upholding this character. Wearing only fashion statement pieces and always looking extra.
We see the driver get out of the car, as this happens Kendrick storms towards him and starts a fight, Whilst 'Rhi' stands in the background smirking and smiling.

The vidoe stakes a completely spin as the music stops and changes to a very similar tone to his other song on the albumn called 'XXX.FEAT.U2' this could just be some publising for other songs on the alubm. It gives the vidoe a chnace to slow down as we seem Kendrick and Rihanna connect and bond.  Lyrics no stating "death of me and you and me and you" We see clips of them sinking into the ground whislt holding each other and the knife that appeared earlier in the video.

Video cuts again to what looks like New York with all of the high rise buildings shown in a wide establishing shot. The music at this point has completely stopped and we see Rihanna holding Kendricks hand. He says "trust me?" She responds with a smile. The music kicks off where it left going into the chorus as he drops Rihanna off the building holding her with one hand. Showing the loyalty between them.

A new scene of Kendrick in an intimidation room, being intimidated by another version of Kendrick, Hes questioning about who his true loyalty is too. The two Kendricks are wearing opposite suits showing they are the bad and good within each other. A girl comes up behind the tied up Kendrick and suffocates him in a bag. The location of this is set inside of a creepy Kitchen preparing type room. Stereotypically 'mafia' type people are stood around smoking cigars and looking intimidating.

Kendrick and Rihanna are in a spinning blue expensive car. They are in the car singing and messing around, without a care in the world. Suddenly, another vehicale crashes into their car and you see the glass smash and them thrown around. Amazingly they are untouched and undamaged. This connotes their overall superior characters, they can always leave untouched. They sit laughing about the situation. Finally we see them on a birds eye view looking down on them on the roof where Kendrick hung Rihanna off. They are lying down on the thin strip smiling and laughing.

What inspire me about the video
Something I love about this video is their superiority. Their idea of stardom beats everything and everyone and everything is blow them. The idea of death and danger is not even questionable to them, they are invinceable. I also like their use of the red lighting at the begining, I really want my video to be really colourfull and bright.

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